Category Archives: education

Introduction to eTextiles talk

Join Codasign Director Emilie Giles for a talk around eTextiles and wearables, introducing you to the world of conductive threads, fabrics and yarns as well as projects within which these materials feature.

From knitted radios to bio-feedback garments, the talk will focus on the current field and its future, with case studies of brilliant work. There will be some small swatches of examples for you to look at and interact with as well as materials for you to examine and play with.

After the talk there will be the opportunity to ask questions and network.


Wednesday, January 28, 2015 from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM (GMT)
London, United Kingdom


About Codasign:

At Codasign we believe that digital technologies have the same creative potential as paint and canvas. Our workshops enable people with great ideas to use computers to express themselves and bring these ideas to life. We welcome people who want to make a noise, create something beautiful, or just learn a new skill.

Whether teaching children or adults, we love working with open source tools like Processing, Arduino, Scratch and MaKey MaKey.

via Introduction to eTextiles- Eventbrite.

see the event page for more details:


Who Needs Education? | American Craft Council

Who Needs Education? | American Craft Council

An interview with Paul J. Stankard, a fellow of the American Craft Council, teacher, book author and glass artist who didn’t study at university level. He speaks about his experiences and what he tells his students at Salem Community College.


Paul J. Stankard is a fellow of the American Craft Council, the author of two books, a devoted teacher, and an internationally recognized glass artist with work in more than 50 museums worldwide – See more at:
Paul J. Stankard is a fellow of the American Craft Council, the author of two books, a devoted teacher, and an internationally recognized glass artist with work in more than 50 museums worldwide – See more at:
Paul J. Stankard is a fellow of the American Craft Council, the author of two books, a devoted teacher, and an internationally recognized glass artist with work in more than 50 museums worldwide – See more at:
Paul J. Stankard is a fellow of the American Craft Council, the author of two books, a devoted teacher, and an internationally recognized glass artist with work in more than 50 museums worldwide – See more at: